Sun 05 Jan
★ Gεn†εℓmεn's Cho¡cε ★ X-Rα†εd Ho††¡ε R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ➓☆ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💜 - - 21
GENTLEMEN.. START your weekend EARLY!! It's THURSDAY so grab the bull by the horns I WILL RIDE! - 22
🌀Visiting Pittsburgh soon? Let me welcome you... ( note: I AM IN PITTSBURGH) - 34
(Center City, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, PA)
Sat 04 Jan
VISITING!!! SEXY HOT HUNG ts melissa 2 days left Dont MISS out!!! 9 hard reasons - 21
(S kirkman / international drive)
((VISITING Odessa)) *AVALIBLE NOW* Hung Golden Shemale # ALL ACTION # 9 inches and 44-D titts - 29
(Midland / Odessa, odessa i-20 ((405-240-1691)))
FIRST TIME with a Shemale? The Teacher is a Hottie and Class is in Session! - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa)
☆•°•`§W€€† § H€AV€N ☆ BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL•°• ☆ (TwIcE the FUN) 1 - 20
(Midland / Odessa, incall Outcall)
*•💚•* W•E•T AnD WiLd!! *•💚•* HoTTie WitH A BoDy! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 24
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
(.)THICK(.) SEDUCTIVE(.) PUERTO RICAN/ Cuban (.)ask for $125$ special) last two days in lubbock(.) - 20
((( Top Notch. Cougar ))) Hot and Sexy ((( MS.SAVANNAH 817-903-7437 ))) Last Night Here - 40
💋 UPSCALE 💋 ▓▓OuTcAlL SpeCiAlS ♥ BlOnDe BEAUTY💋 ▓◆ BEST★ LOOKING ◆💋 ▓▓ InCaLl Sⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛs 💋 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
💋💋💋💋💋Last night in Odessa c. um play with me b4 I leave 💋💋💋💋💋 last night 3/412 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa (INCALL ONLY))
★ T H E ★ ___ ★ G I R L ★ ___ ★ O F ★ ___ ★ Y O U R ★ __ ★D R E A M S ★ - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa (INCALL))
🎈♥️🎈♥️🎈♥️ 👩➕🛏➕👤= WHATEVER U LIKE!! "No" is not in my Vocabulary..except NO LIMITATIONS‼️♥️🎈♥️🎈♥️🎈 - 22
💝🔑🎀TiM£ iS RuNnInG OuT __ LeAvInG SooN☪⌛💋 💜SpEcIaLs__ CaTcH Me WhIl£ U CaN💝🔑🎀 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Incall/Outcall)
█ █ TOTAL BAD GIRL █ █ ••••••• █ █ •••••••• ██ ❤ The REAL B.P FREAK!! *50 SPECIAL* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
@ttention NAOMI is Here ☆☆☆☆☆FULL BoDy MassAgeS are also AVAILABLE. SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!! - 27
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa /pecos& Big springs areas)
(¯`v´¯) ღ Y Õ U __ D E § € R V € __ T H € __ B € § T ღ (¯`v´¯) «SmOking hOtt BaBe» - 25
(El Paso, El,paso)
**~** There's none like me **~** Let me do all the work **~** - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Odessa)
♡♥♡Toe Curling º•PERFECT BLONDE•º Tired Of FAKES?? I'm 100% REAL!! Call Now 5☆Provider♡♥♡ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND// ODESSA ( My place or yours ))
★★★ U wanna HAND OUT Fantasy Happy Time + Wonderful Great Thearaphist Massage? Age - 28
(Midland / Odessa)
🎃🎃🎃🎃👻👻 Super Sexy Big Booty Blonde🎃🎃👻👻🎃🎃🎃🎃🌟 100% REAL✰ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa It's Me Or It's Free)
T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W - 21
(Midland / Odessa, (midland/Odessa)
Travel Buddy- Orzona, Big Springs, Andrews, Odessa, Pecos, More - 23
——— —————— —————— ★ ———— ——— Unforgettable Experience ————— —— ★ ——— ———— ———— - - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/midland)
🔶🔴🔷🔵🔶▓▓▓▓▓🔴║█║🔵║█║🔴▓▓▓▓▓▓ We Turn Bodywork Into Heaven! ▓▓▓▓▓▓🔴║█║🔵║█║🔴▓▓▓▓▓🔶🔴🔷🔵🔶 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, 🔴▬█▬W. Clements St./432-978-8899 ▬█▬🔴)
These Girls Want To Be Like Sexy Sasha But They Simply Can Not :) 50+ Great Reviews!!! GOOGLE ME ;) - 29
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland)
↘↗ tHe HEAT🔥 iS 0N!! 💕 sO SwEEt🍒 SuPeR SeXy👙 B❤Dy⬅ ((🌟 PeTiTe 🌟)) BOMBSHELL 💕 - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
★ Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t 🍭🇨🇦🇳🇩🇾🍭ⓘ'ⓜ BeTTⓔR THAN Her candy BRITTAN🐇💖 - 18
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
❉YoUR EARLy CHRiSTMAS GiFt ❉ THiCK Legs ❉ BiG BOOBS w// a RoUNd @ZZ ❉ ❉ - 26
► ★ TRY ★ ME ★ ◄ o♥ KINKY °o♥o° §EXY °o♥o° I§ ℳy o♥o #1 PRIORITY ★ *•-: ❤ :-•*¨¨*•★ JUICY SpEcIaLs- - 19
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/ midland)
@ttenti NaOmi is here!!! ☆☆☆☆☆FULL BoDy MassAgeS are also AVAILABLE. SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!! - 27
(Midland / Odessa, midland/odessa /pecos& Big springs areas)
★ ————— UNFORGETTABLE ————— ★ •°• 1000% REAL •°• ★ __ PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn __ ★ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
Sugar .,... Im Spice ....... Spank Me And Im Sure To Be Nice 120.00 Roses - 26
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In your arms ;))
▄♡▄♡▄ TWO LATINAS ♡▄♡▄♡▄ NEW ♡▄♡▄♡▄♡ IN & OUTCALL SPECIAL ▄♡▄ ▄♡▄♡▄♡▄♡▄♡- - 20 - 21
👑💋💋👑 Odessa Its A Sunday Special👑 60 Special Get Your Week Started Right - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa In call only💘)
🍓OOhhhhhhhhh BOY..It Ain't her Booty ! It's her Beauty°•●Full Figured Layla - 33
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
OUTCALLS All Night --- Available 24/7, Available NOW,(), no games - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ Outs All Over)
San Angelo❤❤ ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 ❤❤❤ ★☆★ - - 24
(Abilene, SANN ANGELO)
♥— SUPER—HOT ———— **♥** ———— BLONDE FANTASY **♥** ——~————— **♥** - 21
(Midland / Odessa, JBS/ 20 ODESSA)
OuTcALLs ★ ▄ ♡ ▄ ★ BRUNETTE Playmate ★ ▄ ♡ GORGOUSE Face ★▄ ♡ AMAZING Skills ★▄ ♡ AVAILABLE NOW ★★ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, IN/OUTCALL pecos,monahans,andrews,etc)
♡♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♡ NeWW ♡♥♡ seXXy N sPicY ♡♥♡ PeTitE ♡♥♡ bUUstY ♡♥♡ BoMbSheLL ♡♥♡ ♡♥♡♡♥♡ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
PR£TT¥ ... £¥£S👀 ... -N- ... N!C£ ... TH!GHS (( MIDLAND) OUTS $120hh/$180hr - 27
(Midland / Odessa, Midland ( IN & OUT ))
*** Outcalls only !!! beautiful very REAL GiSSeLE&Call; me!!! Outcalls
(Midland / Odessa, Your place)
(•SoFt BIG bOOty•) =•••► ((•LATiNA CutIe with BIG BOObiEs •)) ◄••• JuSt ARRIVED - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa & Midland)
🌟*★* NEW ToP__NoTcH_)( E_X_o_T_i_C_) (SeXy)🌟 *★*🌟 MIXXED _VIBRANT_ HOTTIE *★* 🌟 - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls)
~~SANTA seems to have forgot 1 Gift for you ,....~~ ME ~~ outcall only ~~ - 40
(Midland / Odessa, midland to odessa)
♔PlATiNuM Bl0nDe PRiNceSS♔ c0mE geT tReaTeD LiKe A KinG♔ incall specials in midland - 24
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND)
; ¥ÕÜ Ð€§€RV€ †H€ ߀§† ☎ §€X¥ §W€€† †R€Å† ☎ U W!LL L♥V€ MY SK!LLS ☎ - 28
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA AREA)
NEW【# ①】SUPER ▬▬SKILLED ▬▬▬【# ①】█▬█ ✪ ▀█▀ ▬▬ GIRL▬▬▬【# ①】 BEST ▬▬▬ 【# ①】T〇P - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Andrews Monahans Kermit Wickett FtStockt)
new in town......ready 2 have**** fun******80***** special*****in out - 24
(Midland / Odessa, midland odessa)
💋!! SExy UnIque BeAuTy *CoLleGe gIrl **Call nOw !!* YoU woNt reGret It *** Hablo espanol 💋 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
♥▄ ▄ ▄♥ SIMPLY♥ ▄ ▄♥ SWEET ♥ ▄ ▄ ▄♥ SUPER♥ ▄ ▄ ▄♥ SEXY ♥ ▄ ▄ ▄❤ 100% AsIaN - 21
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)